Thursday, May 20, 2010


Being wealthy is not about how much you earn, or what car you drive, or what size home you live in. Real Wealth is about securing a regular income stream, without you physically working, of more than double your living expenses.

Bringing home a huge salary, or being a very successful entrepreneur, does not make you rich. Although it is easier to become rich if you are earning well, however you do need to fulfill this Wealth Building Potential.

When you start living beneath your means, you are on the road to wealth creation. You need to invest the difference. As an aspirational spender, always wanting the branded clothes, watches, and later on cars, or a larger home, you will never develop real wealth. You need to sacrifice what you want now, for what you will need in the future.

Creating wealth can be started from any income level, but it is easier to become rich if you have a large income. It does not really matter which vehicle you use to create wealth. It can be real estate, shares, fixed deposit, commodities, etc. What is important is making a PLAN to be financially free. You can leverage your results by contacting a Certified Financial Planner – a CFP professional would have studied such diverse topics such as insurance, investments, estate planning, tax planning, retirement planning and would be able to take a more holistic view of the planning process.
Hence do make a plan today, to be wealthy in 10 or 15 years.

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